Saturday, June 23, 2007

Innovation and Push vs. Pull

Some of you may wonder what those tweaklets are that have been mentioned and even hyped in recent blog postings.

We are actually trying out a different avenue for innovation in the Eclipse UI. So far, we got feedback for new or changed features by putting them in an early milestone and waiting for the inevitable pushback. With tweaklets, our hope was that ideally, we could generate pull from those in the community who want to see this in the main codebase. Seems to work beautifully! :-)

So, Nick, thanks for making the Autopin tweaklet #1 on your list! By the way, it works best if you disable editor reuse on the Search, Debug, and Team preference pages, and it does not work well in conjunction with the Don't-Steal-My-Focus tweaklet which is also available from the update site.